Edit PhotoShop

bwat para pembaca mari kita blajar pake photoshop. Untuk awal aku mau coba ngedit photo kita mau kita kasih background terserah kita.

Langakah pertama tentu kita buka photoshop. Setelah kita buka, langkah awal ktia buat file baru dengan ukuran yang kita inginkan. Caranya pilllih file -> new file -> ok
lihat gambaar 1

pilh ukuran gambar

lalu pilih ok dan tampil file baru kita

lalu langkah berikut yang hasrus kita lakukan adalah menyiapkan foto yang kita ingin edit. Caranya pilh menu file -> open, lalu lihat pindahkan gambar kita ke file baru lihat gambar dibawah

pilih move tool

lalu pindahkan gambar kita ke new file dengan cara klik gambar kita lalu geser pelan ke halaman ke new file kita lihat gambar

lalu buka lagi file photo kita yang lain dan pindahkan lagi ke new file ok? jngan lupa beri centang pada show bunding box yang letaknya dibagian menu atas air meudahkan kita ngedit gambar-nya geto

lalu tinggal kita edit dah photo2 kita semau kita gmana?
kalau dah puas n ingin nyimpan tingggal pilih menu file -> save dan pilh format gambar, yang sering kita pakai adalah jpg

maka muncul menu jpeg options lalu ok dan lihat hasil gambar kita ditempat mana kiat tadi telah menyimpan gambar kita

gman semoga mudeng ya? orang indonesiakan pinter - pinter ok. Sekian dulu n kita lanjutkan lain kali y...

about your love

4 signs of the true love

You could find someone who really really was suitable to be made the living couple and even to have him more than one in your life. But afterwards how you really knew him by being convinced? Along with help to make the decision of your relations convincing: Reveal the wish and why wanted him? You must have the clarity not only about what you want to from the love, but what was wanted in living with the couple you. Immediately after knew that, you will be convinced entered a relations with the aim and the point of view that were clear like whether your relations with him. Decisively the criterion will help was avoided from the difficulty of being involved with someone who did not agree for you. Measure your romanticism Despite the sound basi, for the list of hope of the ideal couple you. Filled with the couple's perfect, special but realistic wish. Even more of Anda knew what was suitable for you, increasingly was easy comprehended torque when he could walk with you. Love yourself There was the saying for a long time said: “A you not

Membuat Tabs Menu Horizontal

1. Login ke blogger terus pilih Layout --> Edit HTML
2. Cari script berikut ini ]]>
3. copy script dibawah ini dan taruh diatasnya.

/*credits : http://himsacare.blogspot.com*/
#tabshori {
border-bottom:1px solid #2763A5;
#tabshori ul {
padding:10px 10px 0 50px;
#tabshori li {
#tabshori a {
background: url("http://kendhin.890m.com/menu/blackleft.gif") no-repeat left top;
padding:0 0 0 4px;
#tabshori a span {
background: url("http://kendhin.890m.com/menu/blackright.gif") no-repeat right top;
padding:5px 14px 4px 4px;
/* Commented Backslash Hack hides rule from IE5-Mac \*/
#tabshori a span {float:none;}
/* End IE5-Mac hack */
#tabshori a:hover {
background-position:0% -42px;
#tabshori a:hover span {
background-position:100% -42px;

4. kemudian Copy script berikut ini

5. Copy script diatas diatas kode <div id="content-wrapper"><div id="content-wrapper">

6. Simpan, dan lihat hasilnya.....
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