Computer Science

Computer science ( Ilkom), or in its English [is] referred [as] [by] Computer Science ( CS), [is] in general interpreted as science studying goodness about computing, hardware ( software and also hardware) ( software). Computer science include;cover immeasurablely [is] this topic of related to computer, start from algorithm abstraction analysis until more subyek [of] konkret like pemrograman Ianguage, software, including is hardware. As a(n) science discipline, Computer Science more is emphasizing at [of] pemrograman [of] computer, and software engineering ( software), whereas computer technique more tend to to relate to things like is hardware [of] computer ( hardware). but, both [of] the term often disalah-artikan by many people
Thesis Church-Turing express that any computing appliance which have [is] same known [common/ public] in fact in the case of what they can [do/conduct], even if with different efficiency. This thesis [is] sometimes considered to be elementary principle from computer science. [All] computer science expert usually emphasize Neumann von computer or Turing machine ( computer doing small duty and certain deterministik at one time), because matter like that's most computer used this time. [All] computer science expert also study other machine type, some among others not yet can wear by praktikal ( like neural computer, DNA computer, and quantum computer) and also some among others still theoretical enough ( like oracle computer and random computer
Computer Science study what can be [done/conducted] by some program, and what [do] not ( intelegensia and komputabilitas made in), how that program have to evaluate a[n result ( algorithm), how program have to menyimpan and take certain beet from a[n information ( data structure), and how consumer and program communicate ( consumer interface and pemrograman Ianguage
Computer science take root from electronics, linguistics and mathematics. In last three decade from century 20, computer science have come to a[n new science discipline and have

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